Vashon High School students seek action

How will today’s action improve tomorrow’s ecosystem?

How shall we prepare our infrastructure for sea level rise?

Appreciation for what we have is a great place to start
Where we’re going
Vashon Environmental News (VEN)
Would it surprise you to know we have 30+ organizations on Vashon and Maury Islands doing work that helps the environment?
We compile the latest news and events from these groups and mail them out bi-monthly.
Sign up for our bi-monthly email below. Or simply click for more about the Vashon Environmental News project.
Where we’ve been
The Whole Vashon Project launched in 2019 to stand up to the climate crisis as a community. In 2020 we published the Whole Vashon Catalog - a nod to the Whole Earth Catalog of the 1970s. A whopping 5,000 copies later, The Whole Vashon Catalog is now available to read online.
Green Briefs
Green briefs are topical articles about solutions and bite-size actions all of us might consider as opportunities for responding to climate change. WVP publishes Green Briefs and commentary in the Vashon Beachcomber from time to time and keeps an archive of Green Briefs and Commentary topics here.
Our most recent topic:
Take Action Network enables legislative engagement
Let’s do our part to hit the brakes on fast fashion with its excessive production, overcomplicated supply chains, and mindless consumption.