A collection of features - good news and new practices that are cause for hope

Take Action Network Enables Legislative Engagement
The best part is that TAN lets you choose. Choose the actions you want to take. Choose the issues you want to hear about. Choose to be informed when one of your state legislators will act on a bill addressing an issue you care about.

Fast Fashion: Not a Good Look for Mother Earth
More than 60% of fabric fibers are now synthetic, derived from fossil fuels. Slow to decay, they are responsible for 35% of the microplastics contaminating our oceans.

Vertical Ag: Harvesting Going Up
Vertical Agriculture is resilient to climate change, produces higher yields faster than traditional Ag, and it’s commercially available right now on Vashon.

Learning Outside the Book
The program is truly hands-on and immersed within our natural world, yet contains elements of conventional schools.

Solar Power on Vashon is Real
Economically, with a solar install, your home energy usage from PSE will reduce drastically with savings of $1000 to $1500 a year.

‘Pick Up’ a New Habit
When disposed of in our garbage, pet waste enters a carefully regulated solid waste management system where leachate is collected and routed to the same sewer treatment facilities where human waste is treated.

Love your Wild Neighbors
You don’t need to travel farther than your own backyard to re-create a sense of connection with your local ecology and to discover your important place in it.

The Importance of Soil Science
Turns out the CO2 focus has missed an essential part of the story about the role of healthy soils in regulating the earth’s water cycle.

Living on an “island of habitat”
Vashon’s “habitat” status is a critical asset to Puget Sound’s varied ecosystems, especially when combined with its 50 miles of shoreline.

Working Together for a Plastics-Free Vashon
While the problem is way larger than consumers can solve, we can affect some change on a personal and local level.

Earth Week - A Time to Act
Earth Week - let it be a time when we hear from our island’s more than 30 (!) environmental nonprofits and their loyal supporters.

How Safe are your Garden Products?
Before you run out to purchase a pesticide that might be toxic to wildlife, pets, and you, please know that there are plenty of safer options that work well around here.

A Pledge to the Earth
“I pledge allegiance to the Earth and all the life that it supports, one planet, in our care, irreplaceable, with sustenance and respect for all.” -Janina Lamb

Plastics - a good idea gone bad
But the news about plastics isn’t all bad. For instance, the market for recycled plastic is growing.