The Whole Vashon Catalog
“It is amazing and delightful. It arrived just at the right moment. I would actually like ten copies of this to pass around locally. Can you send me these and I'll send you a check for costs?”
— Mary Pipher, bestselling author of “Reviving Ophelia”
On July 1st, 2020, our Catalog arrived on Vashon, all 5,000 copies! Thanks to the generosity of many islanders, it is now available for free at the Chamber of Commerce, in the Vashon Thriftway, Pharmacy, Post Office, the Vashon Roasterie, Vashon Center for the Arts, at the Burton store, and in other businesses that are open on the island. Three thousand copies were distributed by the Vashon-Maury Beachcomber all over the island. We’ll be finding other places to share also, including in our schools and in other communities.
As you’ll see, our Catalog is reminiscent of the great “Whole Earth Catalog” series of the 1970s. It’s full of art, illustrations, fun quizzes, inspirational and informative articles, resources to learn more about climate action and, sprinkled throughout, the wishes and dreams of our neighbors and friends, quotes from Vashon history, and tips for how to go green—from solar energy to creating habitat for endangered species, dealing with plastic, and reducing carbon emissions.
We hope it’s inspiring and a good read. We’re not sugarcoating serious topics, but the whole reason our team got energized in the first place is that there is a lot of hope out there. And, we believe the arts have a role to play to help educate and encourage involvement in creating a “greener” Vashon.
We Welcome Your Comments!
We’ve been getting fantastic reviews and requests for extra copies to share with friends and family off-island. This has been a goal and we are thrilled that it is happening.
A Few More Reviews
“WOW!! If there's one thing this Island has in spades, it's creative people. What a stellar job —there's much I must return to for longer reads, but this last hour has been spent in admiration, in wonder of facts, in inspiration and appreciation. I was stunned by the comparison of blood and sap, loved the graphics and illustrations throughout and that beautiful tree of life, the kids' birds, the quotations from our Native relatives (as well as quotations from non-Natives, of course), the great suggestions and many, many helpful ways to both be involved and do our part.”
— Katrin Fletter
“The Catalog is so incredible!! Full of great information, beautifully organized and presented. Maybe it should be included in a Vashon high school curriculum, or even middle school. Very inspiring.”
— Lynn Greiner
“If you're my age, you probably remember the Whole Earth Catalog. Now, 50 years later, we have the Whole Vashon Catalog. It's a wonderful guide to the many local organizations and businesses that are working to preserve our beautiful Island environment and to slow climate change. But, it's more than a reference guide. It's a call to action! Thanks so much to Rondi Lightmark and Susan McCabe and their team for this powerful start to the Whole Vashon Project.”
— Jim Diers
“This looks amazing and represents a ton of good hard work. Very hopeful and affirming of our community’s efforts and potential going forward, for leading the change we need in the world. Well done!”
— Stephanie Barbee